AFL Recognized by SC Chamber of Commerce for Safety

Spartanburg, SC –  AFL, a manufacturer of fiber optic cable, accessories and equipment, was among hundreds of companies that received safety performance recognition from the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce at their annual awards luncheon in Columbia on March 28. Recognition is based on the Lost Time Incident Rate recorded during the 2018 calendar year.
Five AFL manufacturing locations were recognized for this award. AFL’s newest location in Spartangreen logged nearly 86K hours and AFL’s accessories division logged nearly 425K hours without a lost time work incident in 2018. In July 2018 the accessories division reached a milestone 5 million safe work hours, representing more than 20 years without a lost time accident.

“Safety is a top priority,” explained Jason Chevallard, senior EHS manager of AFL. “Our associates live this core value every day and are conscientious about the affect their actions have on themselves and others. They are exceptionally cognizant of their surroundings which makes a difference for us.”

AFL has an aggressive injury reduction plan with the ultimate goal to become an injury-free workplace. Historically, AFL’s Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) and Days Away, Restricted and Transferred (DART) Rate is 50 percent or more below published industry averages.

For additional information on AFL, its products and services, visit

About AFL
Founded in 1984, AFL is an international manufacturer providing end-to-end solutions to the energy, service provider, enterprise and industrial markets as well as several emerging markets. The company’s products are in use in over 130 countries and include fiber optic cable and hardware, transmission and substation accessories, outside plant equipment, connectivity, test and inspection equipment, fusion splicers and training. AFL also offers a wide variety of services supporting data center, enterprise, wireless and outside plant applications.
Headquartered in Spartanburg, SC, AFL has operations in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, Europe, Asia and Australia, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fujikura Ltd. of Japan. For more information, visit

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Jason Chevallard
Senior EHS Manager

Corie Culp
Public Relations Manager